We maintain strong connections with respected literary agents who play an essential part in the publishing journey. Literary agents advocate for authors by presenting their work to publishers and negotiating book agreements. Through our collaboration with literary agents, we facilitate connections between skilled authors and industry experts with extensive knowledge of the publishing field, ensuring smooth navigation through its intricacies.
London Book Publishers has already formed relationships with good literary agents who work to uphold the publishing process. Agents of litertary agents as advocates for authors represent work of the author to the publishers and negotiate book deals. With the help of literary agents we are able not only to find the best of best in the writing world, but also to establish contacts with those who know the publishing industry inside out and can offer necessary advice to our authors.
Alternative Press
We work with the small publishers that allure us with equally zealous ideas of finding and popularizing new authors. They have a rugged approach to life and the world, and are known for their willingness to examine a story from different angles in a pursuit of originality. We are involved in associations with independent publishers which give new authors a way to explore out of the ordinary themes that could meet the interests of specific markets as well as of niche readers.
Furthermore, we have a community of professional editors and proofreaders who offer valuable assistance in the form of improving and adjusting the quality of the work submitted. By collaborating with knowledgeable editors, the books we release are refined and error free, thus creating rich and faultless reading experience.
Nevertheless, our professionalism, which is enhanced by working with conscientious associates, is also rooted in quality. Beyond that, we engage with artists who grasp the importance of striking book cover designs that engage readers to pick up and read the book. The book cover, either, is what pulls the potential reader in initially or, in other words; it is the beginning of the engagement between the readers and the book itself.
Working with professional artists in cover design, our books contain exhibits that are eye-catching, portrayal of their content, and the ability to stand out from a vast collection of book covers.
How the Partner Program works
Sign up to become a Publishing Partner
Set up your account and start earning commissions.
Make your referral
After you have signed up, we’ll provide you a direct link that sends your referral to a dedicated webpage.
Track their progress
Follow your referral’s project status through your certified Publishing Partner account.
Get paid
You’ll receive a 10% commission once your referral’s project is completed. BookBaby pays a commission for every new client project that exceeds $100*.
Promotion and Advertising Experts
We associate professionals from marketing and promo disciplines; these professionals are experienced in strategic matters of marketing and they focus on promoting books to specific audiences. These professionals drive creation of effective marketing strategies, construction of author brands, press coverage, and digital campaign execution. Partnering with these subject material experts is therefore vital to our efforts because they will look to ensure that our books have the exposure they deserve, meeting the intended market and target audience without delay.
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